Otsego High School

Girls Varsity Bowling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Bowling vs. Plainwell HS School

2.0 years ago @ 7:29AM
Game Date
Jan 24, 2023
Otsego High School: 24

4 Matches in 5 days for the boys and the girls. Some good, some bad and some outstanding. 

Friday night was in Sturgis and both teams were short handed and bowled like we had a 2 hour road trip to the game. Sturguis girls won 22 to 8 in a close match that both teams bowled well under their averages. Boys team also bowled well under average and lost 26 to 4.


Saturday the otsego girls took on another undefeated team for a second week in a row and took the match 3-0 in a very close match even though otsego won 3-0. Otsego took 1 baker game by 24 pins and lost the other one by 16 pins to win the first point by 8 pins. Then in regular games otsego won by 1 pin to take the 2nd point and overall match 18 to 12 for the third point. Alicyn Klok had a 192 game and a 352 series but her 10th frame in game 2 sealed the victory for otsego with 2 strikes and an 8 count to end.it by the 1 pin.Otsego  boys were also on fire winning 3-0 taking one of the 2 baker games and baker totals. Gavin Merrill shot a fine 204 game and a 369 series. The boys also won regular games and took totals 22.5 to 7.5. 


Monday night we had a non-conference match against Gull Lake and the boys won  19 to 11 with a 198 by Gavin Merrill and a 194 by Connor Farrish . The boys lost regular games by 1 pin and took both baker games to win the match. The girls tied their match 15 to 15 but lost the match on a third baker game rolloff. 


Tonight was the otsego/plainwell match and it was a record setting kind of night. 

Tonight senior captain  Gavin Merrill shot a 258 game to throw the highest game recorded in the wolverine conference this year. The boys also got a fine 196 from sophomore Connor Farrish and a great 339 series from senior Noah Towne. Freshman Cole Kortokrax shot a 147 and Sophomore Austin Jeralds making his Wolverine conference varsity debut shot a 108 as the boys took the match 29 to 1 against plainwell and also shot a wolverine conference high score of the year baker game of 224. This was just the start of some high wolverine conference marks for the year. 

The Otsego girls did not want to be out done by the boys so Alicyn Klok shot a wolverine conference high score of the year for gilrs with a 280. Yes that is not a typo she shot 280 with 10 strikes in a row. and 11 strikes total. Only a 9 spare in the 2nd frame from being perfect on the game. The girls team also got a high game of 165 from Wybie burke and a 160 from Mercedes Edney. Alicyn Klok also had a 193 game to go along with her 280 for a 473 series. The 473 series and the 280 game are currently the second highest scores in the state so far this year. The girls also shot a 188 baker game which is currently the second highest baker game in wolverine conference this year on girls side. 

So currently wolverine conference leaders from tonight. Gavin Merrill high boys game so far this year 258. High girls game in conference this year with Alicyn Klok 280. Highest series in the conference this year by Alicyn Klok with 473. Highest boys baker game of year in wolverine conference with 224 and second highest score of the year with girls baker game 188.
